"Where the classroom meets the real world"

Who is Grizelle?
My Credentials
Grizelle De Los Reyes, (MA), is full time faculty at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Florida International University.
She is the Director of the Global Strategic Communications Creative Track (art direction and copywriting), the joint program with world renowed Miami Ad School.
De Los Reyes is an advertising professional with more than 30 years of strategic marketing communications and research experience, having held management positions in media and advertising agencies including Univision and J. Walter Thomson, among others.
She teaches courses in tracking media trends covering traditional media, social media, technology, media convergence and integrated media management for the 21st century. Her other area of expertise is creative strategy development.
De Los Reyes received a Master of Arts in Journalism and Communications from the University of Florida and a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from University of Puerto Rico.
How I can help you
Besides her academic work, she does numerous projects that involve assisting companies and media providers in successfully marketing their products and services throughout the U.S., the Caribbean and Latin America through extensive consumer research projects, workshops and lectures.
Some of her clients include P&G, Pepsico, Bimbo/Marinela, BankUnited, among many others.
What People Have To Say About Grizelle...

My latest content
Conversation with Gary Lico, creator of Forensic Files, at NATPE 2019
How you ever wondered how hit programs are created, produced and distributed? Or how deals with television stations, networks, and streaming platforms to air these programs are done? Meet Gary Lico. Gary is a 40+ year veteran of TV program sales, development, production, research, scheduling and even on-air talent hosting a TV talk-show. Gary is…
Application of Cost Per Point and Cost Per Thousand in Media Rates
In the previous video lesson, you learned how to calculate Cost per Point and Cost per Thousand. The question now is how to apply this analysis. This is what we call a cost-efficiency analysis. After you finish this video lesson, you will be able to understand the typical applications for the CPM and CPP analysis…
Setting Budgets and Calculating Payout Points
What is Budgeting? Budgeting is the financial tactical implementation of a business plan, in this case, a media plan. To achieve the goals set in a strategic media plan, we are going to need some type of budget that finances the plan presented and ultimately sets measures and indicators of performance. Remember that the media…